Putting it in perspective

Although I think it is unwise to draw upon one’s own
culturally-determined experiences to make sense of and assess the significance of what one observes in a different culture, I can’t help noting that this (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/30/us/30ash.html)
New York Times article about the placement of a toxic coal ash disposal site within a poor Alabama community demonstrates that environmental injustice in the U.S. can also be characterized by what I take to be a common theme in China. Whether or not it is China or the U.S.  poor and margininalized citizens are often governed by local officials putting finances (ostensibly the community’s but one does wonder what is in it for them) ahead of the wishes and safety of constituents. There is an important difference – in the case of this Alabama town, we are hearing of the issue before the people in the community are poisoned.

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2 Responses to Putting it in perspective

  1. Aaron E. Hall says:

    Great to see what you are up to. Hope you have a great experience in China.

  2. Joe & Mary Ann says:

    Jason & Andrea wanted us to let everyone know that they arrived safely in Guangzhou, but currently have limited internet access. Blog posts will hopefully resume soon.

    Take care jiejie and meimei.

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